Belfast Marathon Training.

Who massages the Massage Therapist?

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Who massages the Massage Therapist? A question I get asked from time to time, because when all is said and done it is important I practice what I preach. I love getting quality deep tissue Massage. Particularly now i'm one week into a 16 week Marathon training schedule. I am fortunate in that I currently use a experienced man called Marc Clarke based on the Saintfield Road (i've no issues with plugging other Therapists)

Aside from regular massage (about once every 3 weeks) i'll be stretching religiously. It is not uncommon to see me watching TV while at the same time having my leg pointed in the air working on my hamstrings.

Another maintance technique i'm keen on is a Cyrospa. I use one within the Newforge County Club, simply because it is handiest to work. Have you used one? a blissful 10 minutes, waist deep in water that is usually about 4 to 5 degrees! Joking aside, i really believe it helps my recovery so much. I plunge my hands into it as it helps keep my digits healthy and fit for work.

I'm trying to keep cool about taking part in my first Marathon this coming May. I am taking it seriously and trying to balance a busy home and work life while at the same time getting some training completed.

Have a great week
